Hotel le Tourville Paris
Map and access. How to reach us.
Near the hotel:
Musée des Invalides, Musée Rodin, Musée d'Orsay, The Eiffel Tower, Unesco, la Seine, The Rue Cler shopping street.
Ecole Militaire or Invalides
When you come out of the Ecole Militaire metro, go 50 metres south down Avenue Tourville.
By air:
Taxi ranks are located at the exit of the Orly and Roissy Charles De Gaulle airports;
We can also arrange transfer with a private driver.
It is possible to take the Air France bus, which will drop you at the Invalides terminal.
By train:
From the Gare Montparnasse take line 12, change at La Concorde and then take line 8 as far as the Ecole Militaire station.
From the Gare de Lyon take line 1, change at La Concorde, then take line 8 as far as the Ecole Militaire station.
![Hotel le Tourville Paris : Map and access. How to reach us. map 1](./images/acces/plan.gif)
Hotel le Tourville Paris
16 avenue de Tourville Paris 75007, France
Phone : +33 (0)1 47 05 62 62
Fax : +33 (0)1 47 05 43 90