Hotel Taylor Paris
Map and access. How to reach us.
The Hotel Taylor is in the heart of the Quartier République
2 min. from the Place de la République
4 min. from the Musée des Arts et Métiers
8 min. from le Marais
10 min. from the Opéra Bastille
15 min. from the Centre Pompidou
20 min. from the Eiffel Tower
2 min. from the nearest subway station
5 min. from the nearest RER (rapid train service line) station
5 min. from the nearest SNCF railway station
2 min. from the nearest bus station
Subway : République (lines 3, 8, 9, 11)
Jacques Bonsergent (line 5)
RER B (rapid train service line) : Gare de l’Est station
Direct route by subway for:
Garnier Opera
Gare Saint Saint Lazare, Gare du Nord, Gare de l’Est, and Gare d’Austerlitz (stations)
Champs Elysées
Place d’Italie
Jardin des Plantes (Paris' Botanical Garden)
Porte de Montreuil flea market
Directions to your hotel:
From Roissy Charles de Gaulle
RER B, get off at the Gare du Nord, then take the subway line 5 to République
From Orly
RER B, to Châtelet les Halles, then subway line 11 to République
From Gare du Nord, Gare de l’Est or Gare d’Austerlitz
Subway line 5 to République.
Hotel Taylor Paris
6 rue Taylor
75010 Paris
+ 33 (0)1 42 40 11 01