The Five Hotel Paris
Map and access. How to reach us.
Métro : Les Gobelins, Censier Daubenton (line 7).
RER (nearby): Port Royal (line B).
Bus : Port-Royal Berthollet (lines 21, 83 and 91).
Monge-Claude Bernard (line 27).
Distance from travel hubs to the Five Hotel: From the Airports :
Charles de Gaulle:
• it is about 40 minutes’ drive:
Get onto the A1 motorway following Paris and then Paris Est (East). Get on the ring road and then get out at porte de Montreuil.
When you get on the porte de Montreuil Avenue, follow the Avron Street for 900 metres and then turn left onto the Charonne boulevard for 350 metres
Turn right into Trône Avenue up to the Nation Square and then carry on the Diderot boulevard for 1,3 kilometres
Turn right into Daumesnil Avenue and then in 440 metres get onto the Ledru-Rollin Avenue
Carry on the Austerlitz Bridge and then on the Hospital boulevard
Turn right into Saint Marcel boulevard for 800 metres and then follow the Port Royal boulevard for 500 metres
Turn right onto Berthollet Street and then right again along Flatters Street.
We are now on the number 3
• Get on the RER B direction Robinson-St-Rémy lès-Chevreuse and hop off at Port Royal and then walk up to the Five Hotel (about 8 minutes walk).
Orly Airport :
• is about 30 minutes' drive : Get on the A6 to Paris and then on the East ring road (périphérique Est) to porte d'Italie. From the porte d’Italie on, carry on the Italie Avenue up to the Italie Square and follow up on the Gobelins Avenue for about 600 metres. Turn left into the Port Royal boulevard for 500 metres and then turn right into Berthollet Street and then turn right into Flatters Street. We are situated at number 3 Flatters Street .
• By shuttle : get on the Orlyval shuttle at Orly up to Anthony and then get on the RER B to Charles de Gaulle Airport and hop off at Port Royal and you can then walk up to the Five Hotel in about 8 minutes.
From the train stations :
Gare de Lyon station :
Get on the 91 bus line to Montparnasse2 and get off at Port Royal Bertholet. Carry on walking for 30 metres
Gare de l’Est station :
get on the underground on line 7 to Villejuif-Louis Aragon, hop off at Gobelins and carry on walking up to the Five Hotel (about 5 minutes).
Gare d’Austerlitz station :
get on the 91 bus line to Montparnase2, get off at Port Royal Bertholet. Walk for 30 metres
Gare Montparnasse station :
Get on the 91 bus line to Bastille, get off at Port Royal Bertholet. Walk for 30 metres
Gare Saint-Lazare station:
Get on the 21 bus line to Porte de Gentilly, get off at Port Royal Bertholet. Walk for 30 metres
Gare du Nord station :
Get on the RER B, direction Robinson Saint Rémy les Chevreuses to Port Royal and then walk up to the Five Hotel (about 8 minutes) or get on the 91 bus line at the Port Royal Berthollet stop or get on the underground line 7 to Villejuif-Louis Aragon and then hop off at Gobelins and carry on walking (about 5 minutes).
Motorway :
get on the ring road and get off at Port d’Italie. Please see
Patriarches Public car park: 4 rue du marché des Patriarches (open 24 hours a day).
Paripark 5ème : 15 rue Censier (open 24 hours a day).

The Five Hotel Paris
3 rue Flatters Paris 75005, France
Phone : +33 (0)1 43 31 74 21
Fax : +33 (0)1 43 31 61 96